Emotion in nearby living beings feed the spirits' power. Fearful humans nearby make it grow stronger, bolder, more powerful but also more unstable. More unreliable. More disturbed.Since the spirit no longer has a body, or a brain, it is not able to act like it once did. However, as it was formed as a human it still sees itself in the shape of a human. The shadow of a human being. To others, the spirit looks like its old remembered self. This is termed the 'veil of…

Continue ReadingThe Lost Soul

Death of a human being releases us. When our existence ends we lose the ability to form new memories, to move and to act. However the memories we formed are not as part of our brain, not really, the mind transcends the brain and its physical existance. Some call this the soul. This focused collection of memories and thoughts form the 'I' we feel every day, and since it was formed in the human mind this is how it sees the world. It needs the body to…

Continue ReadingDeath and Dissipation

We humans have always been aware of the other side. The unknown. What dwells in the darkness. It exerts a powerful pull on us. Most of us try to turn away from its uncomfortable form, some of us try to put words and descriptions to it in an effort to make the unknown known. Even fewer embrace it, as they realize it will always be part of us.The fear is the strongest when the threat is sensed to be close enough to be dangerous, but not tangible…

Continue ReadingThe Unknowable